
Kid Valentines simplified....

I found a cute idea over at Latdahblogspot.com  She made these cute cotton candy ice cream cones.  They are oh so simple and inexpensive to make.
I also found some glow sticks and thought they would be a cute little Valentines gift, a bit different then just candy.  The catch phrase is "You light up my life, Valentine. Here is a picture of what I came up with. I know how kids LOVE anything that glows so hopefully bracelets will be a hit.


  1. Do you have a link for "La Ta Da blogspot"? I'm not coming up with anything either Googling or just typing that address into my address bar.

  2. Jen, these are SO CUTE!!!! I love them! You always have some cute/yummy crafty things goin' on!

  3. I just found the official blogspot and changed the post, I hope that helps!
